How To Feel More Body Confident
Body confidence is the ability to feel at home in your body, no matter your size or shape. It's the understanding that your appearance is simply not the most important feature of who you are as a person and that there is no such thing as a 'perfect' body’.

When you live with body confidence, you free up a tremendous amount of energy that you can then focus on your goals, your mental health and on connecting with the people you love. On the surface it may seem like it’s about wearing a bikini confidently (and that part is fun!) but the real benefit comes in allowing you to live a life aligned with your true values.
How to boost body confidence:
So, are you ready to kick body dissatisfaction to the curb? Awesome! Here are six expert-approved strategies to help you become more body confident:
1. Tailor your social media feeds
If you find particular sites or social media profiles triggering, avoid consuming them. Even if some of those accounts might belong to people you know in real life—you have no obligation to follow them on social media. Instead, follow accounts that are actively focused on building positive body image, represent people in diverse bodies or don't focus on bodies at all, suggests the Austin-based body image coach.
2. Separate your self-worth from your appearance
We have been taught both directly and indirectly that we are only worth our level of perceived attractiveness. Once you realise that you are worthy regardless of how you look, you'll move closer toward body confidence.
3. Don’t focus on numbers
Weight on the scale, the size on your jeans, number of calories burned—none of those define what a healthy and happy version of your body looks like. Instead, learn to listen to your body. Eat when you’re hungry, move your body in ways that feel good and get enough rest and your body will look the way it is meant to.
4. Focus on what you love about yourself
It’s not just loving the way you look that helps build your body confidence, it's also about embracing who you are. Think about your values, qualities and accomplishments that make you who you are. Appreciate your strengths and if you're not sure where to begin, ask a loved one who has no doubt got a long list guaranteed to boost you up, adds the wellbeing expert.
5. Try self-neutrality
If you are finding it hard to be confident in your body or nurture positive thoughts toward yourself, work on neutrality first. It's hard to jump from 'I hate my body' to 'I love my body' so body neutrality is a good stepping stone. Start by frequently appreciating your body for what it can do. Statements like "I am thankful my body carried me to work today" or "I am grateful to still be able to exercise" will help you start to foster a much less negative opinion of your body, notes the health coach.
6. Recognise that the world is home to a sea of diverse bodies—and that includes yours
It's so easy to compare yourself to others, as everyone does it. But whether it's someone's figure, chest size, muscles or legs, everyone's body has its own story. In fact, someone is likely looking at your body and comparing themselves to you! In reality, everyone's body is unique. This is why it's important to learn to appreciate other people’s bodies without wanting to change your own.

Lastly, think of positive body image as a practice rather than a destination. It’s not a state to be perfected, it’s a daily practice of self-acceptance. So if you find yourself slipping on some days, don't beat yourself up about it. Remember that you are still learning and even small, shaky steps count as progress.